Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blogging.... my Massive Weight Loss 2010 downfall?

So blogging itself only takes a few minutes a day, but since I've started re-hashing my every mindless  thought onto the interwebs I seem to be wasting wayyy too much time on the computer in the evenings. I don't even watch T.V. anymore (like that's such a valuable use of time)...if it weren't for our PVR, HBO, and the new seasons of Lost and the Biggest Loser, I'm pretty  sure I could toss the tube completely!

Currently I have two baskets of laundry glaring at me from the's like they're saying, "damn right we're giving you the stink eye, get krack-a-lackin' and fold us already"!!!
Yet I continue to ignore them...and their buddies,  the pile of dishes in the sink. 
Is child neglect next? No, my contingency plan is to only blog in the p.m. after Kids #1 and 2 are off to dreamland.
Is this my self-made solution to being a stay-at-home-mama? Since I don't have a computer to sit in front of at work anymore, I suppose this a substitue of sorts?! (old habbits die hard, after years of sitting on my @ss at work in front of a comp.)

Jillian Michaels called me earlier tonight (my personal trainer extraordinaire from Biggest Loser fame).
Convo was as follows:

Ring Ring...

Mama: Hello?
Jillian: Hi this JM calling, from the 30 Day Shred workout DVD you bought a few weeks back?
Mama: Oh, hi.
Jillian: Um yeah, you dropped $14.99 on me and there was talk of Massive Weight Loss 2010 and vows to starve and tone before you leave for Hawaii on Sunday. You are still going?
Mama: Um, yes.
Jillian: Well I'm not sure we can let you get on that plane.
Mama:  oh, why not?
Jillian: Cuz your vows meant nothing. You're "working out" with that blog. That time in the evenings was intended for beatings, beatings, beatings. You can't in good conscience put on a bathing suit and think you're ok with it all. Am I right?
Mama: Mmmm, you might be right Jill.
Jillian: Kindly return the DVD and get your ca$h back. Flights cancelled.  Kisses and kind regards to your blog.              

 {JM don't give me that all knowing, "I'm fit and you ain't" smirk, you're only my virtual trainer, maybe I'll pick up Bob's DVD next...}

So long story short, I'm feeling a little guilty. My new "hobby" is a major time sucker.  I lurve reading and following other blogs, but at what cost?
Folded laundry.
Clean dishes.
Swept floors.
Fed children.


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