Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brunettes have fun too, right?

What to do, what to do?.....  I've been tossing around the idea of taking my hair back to my "roots" and going dark again. Honestly I'm a little freaked about it because I've had some level of honey brown, with golden blond highlights for years. Like years and years. I haven't been my original colour of dark brown since 1996. I honestly barely remember what it really looks like on me (pics when you're 18 don't count for nothing.) I almost can't even wrap my mind around what it will look like on this current version of Mama.  
I'm not sure why I'm so apprehensive, it's just hair colour. But I can`t help but feel lighter and brighter with blond(er) hair. This summer in Greece my hair became ridiculously bleached out due to the sea/sun double whammie but it`s really a bit too much right now considering we've hit full-on winter autumn type temperatures. In the past I've liked blonder hair in the summer and going a bit darker in the fall. But not like this, I'm talking about making a mayjah change!

{hair colour du jour....or should I say for the last decade...}

Here's my hair inspiration(s)

Images via google
{Kim and Kourtney have almost black/brown hair, maybe that's a bit too dark?}

If I'm gonna be honest here, Husband is totally poo-pooing the idea. He's always liked me with blonder/lighter hair. But then again he's never actually seen me with darker hair. But I'm thinking about making this change for me...right?!  I do feel like you stand out more with lighter coloured hair (does that make me a bit of an attention whore seeker?)  Maybe...

 Girls I need some help, input and opinions please!!! This is no easy decision. Sure its just hair colour but I also feel like it's part of my identity...

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