Monday, January 25, 2010

Mama's got it all figured out...Posh is my mentor?

All dressed up and no place to go...
As a mama of two little guys, one 4 years and one 17 months, I feel like I'm finally re-gaining my pre-baby brain/body/lifestyle (kinda-sorta-kinda). No, life will never be like it was pre-kids, but I wouldn't want it to be. Being a mommy is where it's at...wouldn't trade it for anything. But, sometimes I do miss the freedom and independence I had pre-kids.  I'm a stay at home mom now...and honestly it's all good.  I always saw myself as career-girl foreverrrr, but we had kids at the 'right' time in our lives and I know that I'll likely have plenty of years to work ahead of me when the kids are older. For now I just want to enjoy my kidlets and the hectic lifestyle that comes with them. But back to my point of this post. 
Shopping, fab clothes, going out for drinks and dinner with BFF's or Husband.... lurve IT! But my offspring get in the way...(does that sound totally heinous?) That's right kid #1 and #2 are putting a crimp in things.
(And no, simply calling a babysitter so I can flee go out isn't always the answer.)

Where and when am I supposed to wear my new boots and black skinny jeans? To the mall?  Meh. Boring.
My wardrobe demands that I go out more (for a cocktail, or 3)....but my kids demand I stay home and make Mac and Cheese. Worlds are colliding.


(yes, it's the re-occuring fabulous cocktail party pic,, as if my life was EVER like that...?)

 I spend wayyyy too much time at home alone with the kids (Vegas excluded) because Husband works ALL-THE-TIME.

But look at these two sweet-peas (never mind that they drive me eff'n bat-sh*t craZy half the time) 
 I'd stay home and make them Mac 'n Cheese anyday!!

Gotta keep telling myself, it's all about priorities mama!  Maybe I should model myself after Mrs. Victoria Becks herself and find some "balance".  Why wouldn't you traipse through the airport in a LBD and heels while dragging kid #3.  Obviously I need to step it up and "blend" my worlds together better!


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