Thursday, October 7, 2010

House of Harlow 1960

Lately I've really been liking Nicole Richie's House of Harlow 1960 jewelry line. I was checking out a few of her pieces (which are actually incredibly affordable) while I was at Holt Renfrew last week.  Her style is clean with classic geometric shapes and her pieces make a statement without being too over the top. 

{just a hard workin' Mama these days...}

She's actually coming here to Calgary tomorrow to make an appearance at Holt's to promote her new fashion label, Winter Kate. I don't know that I'll necessary head down to see her because of the crowds (that and cuz I'm so busy and all), but I am really interested to see what her new clothing line is like. There's a part of me that can't help forget the Nicole Richie that was on the Simple Life with Paris Hilton, but then again she was in her early 20's when she started that show and now she's in a much different place in her life. It's fairly clear she's left her hard partying, DUI arrests, rehab stays and super skinny days far behind her. I like the new Nicole. She's almost 30, has two kids with a great guy, has written a few books and has even starting acting. Who says any good celebutant can't turn it around? Everybody has to get their shiz together eventually and I'd say she's done a pretty good job!
{Loved this House of Harlow ring, but passed because it was practically the size of a salad plate....a tad big}

{Images via shopbop, Google}

What do you think of celebrity produced fashion and fragrance lines? Do you think they actually do much of the design work themselves or is it just another marketing scheme to make dollar bills?!

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