Friday, June 25, 2010

Favorite Hates

This has been A week and I'm glad it's coming to an end. We're still fighting the tummy bug of the century in our house and I've gone through more baby wipes, done more disinfecting, loads of laundry, and scrubbing of surfaces than any woman should ever have to do. Ever.
 I'm calling this the Haus of Ca-ca (not to be confused with the creative minds that produce the Haus of Ga-Ga. Lady Gaga might not like the comparison....)

All this poop has made my mood kinda sucky-la-la and because of that I'm featuring another edition of My Favorite Hates. The stuff that I just enjoy disliking.  

The slouch sandal. Could there be a less flattering sandal ever made. Let's just cut off your ankle and add an ugly sleeve of fabric so we can make your legs look shorter. Yes, that's the look every woman is going for.

Japanese Anime cartoons. What could be lamer?!  Now my son is starting to think that Bakugon and Beyblade characters are cool. No son they are not. Dumb names and even more dumb story lines with characters that have overly large heads and eyes. And they are most definitely not child friendly. Who came up with this crap? Oh right, the Japanese. Ok, Japan you make great cars but bad cartoons.

Glenn Beck. The ultra right wing and ultra annoying American conservative and political commentator.  Fox News gave this guy his own show. How did this happen? Oh right, Fox News. Nough said.

Bits and Bites snack mix. Why do they always give this to you on an airplane?  I know that some people like these, but they are so redonkulously SALTY. It's bad enough to be stuck beside some stranger on a flight, now you get to eat a salty pack of MSG laden carbs.  Dehydration and then bloating is exactly what I want from a good airplane snack.

Transitional Lenses. Ok, so they serve a purpose. You don't feel like putting on your sunglasses so why not have a pair of glasses that can shade automatically?  I'll tell you why not, because they're ugly and lame and ugly. Don't be so lazy. Grab some decently cool sunglasses like the rest of the world. Unless you want to look like your Uncle Bernie these are never acceptable. And don't ever do this to your children, they'll be ridiculed for days. Just saying. 

So since I'm feeling especially snarky this afternoon, hit me with YOUR fave hates!


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