Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the worlds a better place for it...

Can we talk a bit about the inventions of modern age that have made our (womens) lives better? I'm not talking about the printing press, wheel or automobile.  No, not even the dishwasher, pants (on women) or the Epidural during childbirth. I'm talking about one of the greatest (in my own mind) inventions in history that has made life better for women everywhere
Yeah, I still wasn't building this up to talk about the washer/dryer combo set, or the creation of the modern maxi pad. (Are those things not completely obvs anyway!?)

I absolutely adore makeup, and if anyone ever tried to take away my eyeliner or masacara, Mama would probably have to cut them.  (ok, violence is never the answer...ususally.)

{Cleopatra was seriously onto something when she lined her eyes with coal....a girls gotta look tight right?!}

The creation of MAC eyeshadows, brushes and mineralized skin finish heralded the dawn of a new day for me. Seriously, with the right products and tools just about any woman can look pretty dang fabulous. To the gods of invention I say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.
NARS, Bobby Brown, Dior, and even drug-store brands....I love them all.  This love has translated into a pretty huge makeup drawer...but I "need" every product in one way or another. And false lashes?! Don't even get me started on how fabulous they are. Kim Kardashian is not hot for nothing!

{40 eyeshadow shades isn't nearly enough}
{never has something so small done something so big}

There are thousands of beauty blogs dedicated to makeup alone. This is totally understandable. Anything that can take a troll and turn her into a goddess is completely amazing, no?



Like the great cosmetic mogul Helena Rubinstein once said,  "There are no ugly women, only lazy ones." True enough!
 Thanks to self tanners, lipgloss and concealer, etc, etc, there's no excuse to not look fine, fresh and fierce.

{Ay-yi-yi! These latina ladies are proof that makeup is heaven sent}

The term "natural beauty" is a bit of a misnomer for me.  I honestly can say that I've never really known a true natural beauty. Have you? 
 If makeup isn't a modern miracle, I don`t know what is?!?
Can you live without it?

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