Saturday, April 10, 2010

Diamonds are obviously a girls BFF...

Diamonds kinda make me smile- diamonds in engagement rings. Don't you just love hearing proposal stories?
But, you know when your friend gets engaged and you're all happy and excited for them but really you just want to see that dang diamond on their finger?! They're sparkly, pretty, shiny and symbolic of love. What could be better than that?
As much as I adore enjoy shopping, at the end of the day it's all just more 'stuff'.  Obviously relationships and people are what really matter, but the one material thing that really brings me joy, and I know I'll never get tired of, is my wedding set. It represents a lot of different things...important things like commitment, love and trust. But it's also really sparkly!

So, if I could go back in a Hot Tub Time Machine to when I was engaged, I don't think I would have changed a single thing about my engagement ring. I really like the cut and setting. Score 1 for Husband!
(Not that I had any choice in the matter, Husband picked out the ring and surprised me with the proposal.)
Clever fox.

But if I won the lottery and could buy whatever I wanted, (I'll be needing $20 million- minimum otherwise why bother?!) and after I'd donated mucho $$ to important and worthy world charities/causes (gotta do my part),  I'd still have a few mill left over.  The logical thing to do would be to upgrade my ring.

So here are few that I'm considering (in my fantasy "I won the Power Ball or Lotto 6-49" world...)

{My fave ring that I don't have- 2 carat Tiffany Legacy Collection engagement ring $38, 500}

{ Harry Winston Emerald-cut diamond, 21.16 carats (only 21 carats?) 
Hmmm interesting enough there's no price listed. Sure it's big but there's no such things as too big right?}

{Kwiat Bridal Collection Platinum Vintage Style ring. Simple and understated. I'd take that...}

{Google Images}

{This one is dear to my heart, Tiffany Lucida diamond ring- 2 carats, $33,500. It's my ring but mine didn't, ahem, cost $33, 500??!) This would be a true upgrade.

What's your dream/fantasy piece of jewelry?  Do large shiny diamonds make your heart skip too?

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