Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wino-holic-ism and other vices....

Since right after I was pregnant with Kid #2, I've developed a crazy love for wine. I don't know if it was the fact that it was off limits for 9 months, (so was sushi, Brie cheese and excessive amounts of coffee) and while I did crave those things, I really really missed my vino!  We always want what we can't have. That probably makes me sound like a super wino and really I'm not, in fact I'll maybe have a glass or two with dinner on Sundays only. But I just can't get over how much I enjoy a delicious, refreshing glass of white wine (or red, I'll knock that back too.)
{Common, millions of Japanese and French women ate this stuff during pregnancy, is it really that risky?}

I'd probably drink way more if it weren't for the fact that I'm alone with the kids 6 nights a week and I can't very well be drinking while I'm on the job (can I?)  And besides, who wants to drink alone. And no, the kids being present does not count as 'social drinking'.  I prefer to enjoy my wine with people over 5 feet tall.
And if you can believe this, the numero uno reason that I don't drink more wine is because of the calories.  Massive Weight Loss 2010 continues (as always) and I just can't justify the extra calories. Really, this is what it has come down to. I don't drink more because I'm afraid it will make me gain weight!!?!  Whatever keeps me off the sauce I suppose....
I'm not sure why I feel guilty about my lurve of wine. It's not like it's a bad thing in moderation. But honestly I'll catch myself dreaming about big glass of vino on some random Tuesday night....  "Oh look Kid #1, you've spilled your yogurt all over the couch. Again. For like the 3rd time today. But that's ok because Mama's drinking a giant glass of Chardonnay. Carry on...."    

It's sorta the same way I feel about smoking. While I don't actually smoke and never have, I will most definitely have one if offered it in a social situation. It's a guilty pleasure you'd think I would have grown out of by now. (And there was a time when I actually considered smoking as a weight maintenance strategy! It works for models right? But then so does snorting coke so I guess that's a weak argument.)  Obviously common sense won out on that one. I mean, it's not like you can smoke anywhere anymore anyway...

So I suppose this means that I don't drink more because I'm afraid I'll get fat and I don't smoke because it's really just inconvenient.  Whatever keeps me in line....?!!!

Do you have any guilty pleasures that kinda make you feel, well, guilty?

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