Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Loooong weekend

It has been a long weekend indeed! Friday night I went out with some gf's to a "passion party"...y'all know what those are. Now anyone can purchase adult novelties (aka, sex toys) in the comfort of their friends home. If anything it was good for a laugh...and a lot of wine. No guilt because of the wine that nite. We all went out later for more drinks and apparently somehow ended up at home around 4:00am. Bless Husbands heart....he  was oblivious and really couldn't care less when I arrived home. Yeah, he's caring like that.

The next day BFF and I met up with with BFF#2 and her kids who were visiting from out of town. (My) Kid #1 came along and they all went swimming in her hotel pool and water-slid (is that the correct english?) all day. We ordered some food in and I ate enough Pizza, McDonalds and more Pizza to cause the worst post-hangover food hangover ever. I think I had a weeks worth of calories and fat grams in one day. In fact I know I did. (You know how the day after you drink all you want to do is eat crappy/greasy/carby food?) Well I did and the diet gods are NOT impressed.

Saturday was busy, but Saturday nite had me driving Kid #2 to the Emergency Department because he had a fever of 105 F. Not so good. He'd been sick for a few days with a fever but I just chalked it up to a bad cold. But on Saturday nite as he lay lifeless and sprawled out on the couch I figured it was time to seek a professional opinion. Why is it that we always have to take our kids to Emerg at 2:00 in the  morning?? And why is it so damn busy at 2:00am???  We were home by 6:00am and Kid #2 had a confirmed case of Strep throat, an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection. Yay for antibiotics!  He's doing much better and Mama is finally caught up on her sleep.

Moral of this story is...
hangovers+redicuously long playdates+sick kid+lack of sleep = a LONG weekend. 

Happy Tuesday kids.....

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