It was Kid #1's 5th Birthday on Saturday and I decided a while back that it would be a good idea to have a simple, old school style birthday party at our house and invite all his friends from school. (Does no one have simple kids birthday parties anymore??, there's always clowns, magicians, exotic or expensive locations and apparently you have to drop at least $500 bucks. I say no, this kid is ONLY 5.) If I'm going to pay through the nose for a party I'll at least do it when he's old enough to remember it!!
We I chose to invite boys only to keep the numbers's not like I'm encouraging gender segregation at an early age, just trying to make things manageable. And believe me 12 five year old boys was MORE then enough for Mama to handle. Fortunately my two besties were able to help out with the pandemonium party fun!
{Kid #1 is five today, whaaat!?!?!)
We had a Sponge Bob/Hawaiian party theme (since Kid is still in love with Hawaii after our holiday in Oahu this winter). The kids ate pizza, plenty of candy and chips, we had a limbo-stick game and a pinata to attack for prizes inside. Good times right?,,,if you're five I guess!

Later that night since my friends were in town to celebrate my birthday too and we really needed to drink have some fun, we went out for dinner to a cute little Italian place downtown, had a couple bottles of red and continued on for drinks at a place called Mercury.
How do you spell post kids-party relief?! W-i-n-e.

{Wine = self portrait time}
{ Toothy-grin shot}
The nice "gentlemen" behind us were kind enough to buy a round of vino...thanks boys, laterz! Use them then lose them I say!!
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