Commence Mama's Summer of Fierce Fashion -2010!
I'm feeling torn about what will work for me this season. There's lot's of great florals and cute dresses but I've got two kidlets to chase after and I need something a little more practical for everyday. In the past I've always worn capri's, polo short sleeve shirts, tank tops, skirts (a few), flats and gladiator sandals. This year I'm leaning more towards layering cardi's and tanks and my go-to fave, skinny jeans; but I don't know what else to wear on the bottom? (Not knowing what to wear isn't USUALLY a prob for me but I guess the prolonged exposure to extreme winter conditions has done some short term brain damage.)Here are a few things I've picked up in the last little while but I'm looking for suggestions/ideas on what's fun and easy to wear this summer. I need input here people!! And as you'll see I do not need anymore tanks...
{Pale pink tank, H&M
{Black sequin tank, no jokes - Zellers}

{Leopard print and magenta and orange Striped Cardigans. I also picked it up in striped pale yellow -Old Navy}
{Ruffle tank, but in Grey- Jacob}
{Tan wedge sandals- Old Navy. Way cuter on than they look here.}
{INC white linen shorts- Macy's}
Ok, what fresh hell is this that I'm actually buying shorts?! They are everywhere this year and while I swore off them years ago apparently I can't deny that they are back and are in and not going anywhere anytime soon. Blah cuz these legs aren't good enough, IMO....}
{Long Perfect Tank- Old Navy- have these in almost every colour they make. Versatilely for days!}

{Belted Sleeve Dress- Suzy Shier. Come on, they were $30.00/ea!}
So all these tanks aren't helping Mama's Summer of Fierce Fashion- 2010. I need more bottom half ideas. Throw down some suggestions please....
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